June 17th, 2022 Naarden - Gallery Naerden opened its doors for the first time. An intimate gallery space situated in a 300 year old property in the historic center of Naarden-Vesting. Gallery Naerden is established and run by creative duo Ruben de Wilde and Lisa Vork,  who created a space with an authentic feel and a contemporary touch.

Explore our collections below & we hope to welcome you soon in person in our gallery.

We’re excited to announce that Gallery Naerden is heading to Naarden the Art Fair from January 23rd to 26th!

We will be showcasing a select collection of our most stunning artworks. This is an event not to be missed by any art enthusiast – we’d love to see you there!

more about the event on naardenartfair.nl

Han Hulsbergen

Han Hulsbergen was a master of transformation, whose extensive career witnessed a dynamic evolution in style and medium. Beginning with the meticulous realism that defined the art of the 1930s, Hulsbergen’s journey through the art world saw him embracing the geometric complexities of cubism, before finally transitioning to the bold, dynamic strokes of abstract expressionism in the early 1960s.
We are proud to showcase some of the most stunning pieces from this talented Blaricum-based artist in our Gallery Naerden collection.

Han Hulsbergen (#320), 124 x 109
Han Hulsbergen (#123), 65 x 84
Han Hulsbergen (#165), 63 x 91
Explore more Han Hulsbergen

San ming

San Ming maakt alles waar hij zin in heeft: portretten, abstract, realistisch, beeldhouwwerkjes van gepatineerd hout, landschapjes, van kubisme tot Amerikaans realisme. Zijn kunst straalt altijd een speels en luchtig karakter uit, ver verwijderd van de ernst die vaak met 'Kunst met een grote K' geassocieerd wordt.
We zijn trots een selectie van zijn gevarieerde werken te presenteren in Gallery Naerden.

San Ming, 2024
San Ming, 2024
San Ming, 2024
Explore more San Ming
Gallery Naerden
Marktstraat 38, 1411EA, Naarden-Vesting